May 31, 2005
Andersen Conviction Overturned
Posted by Christine Hurt

My MarketWatch email alert system tells me that the Supreme Court has overturned the Andersen conviction.  The WSJ has just posted a quick blurb as well and adds that the opinion was unanimous.

Gordon gave his thoughts earlier here, and I talked about the cert grant here.  Note (ahem) that I predicted a reversal based on opinions of others.  I am happy with the result, mostly because I am very skeptical of the trend of prosecuting corporate crime using "second order" charging crimes.  So far, the prosecutions of corporate scandals of this century have added nothing to the jurisprudence of corporate crime, only to the fine art of obstruction of justice.

Of course, how do you reverse a death penalty that has already been inflicted?  This reversal is as heartwarming as your high school boyfriend confessing that now that he thinks about it, he shouldn't have broken up with you.  Thanks.

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