May 11, 2005
Dear Howard
Posted by Gordon Smith

I just received an email that began ...

Dear Gordon,

On behalf of the Democratic National Committee, I want to express to you our great appreciation for the tremendous support you provided the Party and its candidates as a volunteer attorney for the Democratic Party in the 2004 election. Your work to ensure that the right to vote was protected was and continues to be vitally important....

I am asking you to join the DNC's new National Lawyers Council, which will provide an ongoing organization of volunteer lawyers as a permanent part of our Party structure....

The National Lawyers Council will be the vehicle for continuing and expanding our efforts from 2004. I promise you that we will put you to work right away and that we need you to play as a big a role as your time and energy will allow.

Ooh, goody! More work! And to think that just a few minutes ago I was wondering what to do with the rest of my day.

Listen, Howard -- as long as we are on a first-name basis -- I have no idea what you are talking about. Obviously, you haven't noticed from your extensive reading of this blog that I don't care much for politics or politicians. I can think of hundreds of causes (probably thousands if you give me a few more minutes) to which I would volunteer my time before becoming a volunteer attorney for the Democratic Party. Even if you were offering to pay me, I would respectfully decline. Money just is not that important to me.

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