June 04, 2005
NCAA Golf Championships
Posted by Gordon Smith

As a youth, I was a golf fanatic, and during my first year at BYU, the golf team won the national championship. This was the year after they lost two-time collegiate player of the year, Bobby Clampett. At the time, I was a one handicap, but not even good enough to try out for the team.

BYU has a long tradition of golf glory, including Johnny Miller, Mike Reid, Bobby Clampett, Keith Clearwater, Mike Weir, Andy Miller, etc., but this year's team is probably the best in a long time, led by Oscar Alvarez. Today, they played the final round of the NCAA Championships, recording the best team score of the day and the second best daily team score of the tournament. They ended up in fourth place.

The real story of the tournament is the University of Georgia, which dominated. Five Georgia schools made the final 15: University of Georgia, Georgia Tech, Augusta State, Georgia Southern, and Georgia State. Wow! Not only did the University of Georgia win, but Georgia Tech placed second, with quite a margin between them and third-place Washington.

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