June 04, 2005
The Cows of New Glarus
Posted by Gordon Smith

New Glarus, Wisconsin reminds me of my own hometown of Osseo, except with a Swiss theme rather than a Norwegian theme. The Sugar River Cycling Trail runs through New Glarus, and on Memorial Day my wife and I took our youngest children on a short ride. It's a very flat, smooth trail built on an old railroad bed, just right for young children. After the ride, I gathered these photos (click for a better view) of the distinctively painted cows that populate the town. Apparently, there are 15 cows in all, but I found only 11 before my wife started asking whether I had lost my mind. I usually like to stop whatever I am doing when she asks that, as the answer is not clear. Still, I wonder what the other four cows look like ...


Oh, I just remembered to point out that the 12th picture does not contain a cow, but shows my three youngest children enjoying ice cream under a lilac tree.

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