July 08, 2005
Announcement: Conglomerate Junior Scholars Workshop
Posted by Christine Hurt

Next month, in August, we will be hosting the Conglomerate Junior Scholars Workshop for untenured law professors or people entering the law teaching market this fall. If you are sending out a scholarly article this fall on a topic that may be interesting to Conglomerate’s readers – such as corporate law, securities, contracts, tax, finance, trade, antitrust or law and economics – we would like to link to your paper and provide a forum for you to receive feedback on your paper before you publish it or present it at a job talk.

We know that many new faculty members do not have the opportunity to present papers at national conferences and find it challenging to get others to read their work. Hopefully, this workshop will facilitate that process. We will post links to several papers every week. Each post will include an abstract of your paper, some initial comments by us or an invited guest commentator, and your response to the comments. If you read the blog or know us personally, you know that we are generally the “if you can’t say something nice” people. So, we will be supportive of your work, but give constructive criticism as necessary. We will also prohibit anonymous comments in an effort to make sure only serious commenters participate.

If any of this sounds good to you, please email me (christine.hurt at marquette.edu) with your information and an abstract of your article by July 22, 2005. Likewise, contact me if you have any questions. We have no idea how many papers we will receive, so we’re not sure how many papers will be linked per week or how many weeks the workshop will be held; please be flexible. And most importantly, please pass this invitation to others that may be interested.

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