July 18, 2005
Conglomerate Forum: Disney
Posted by Gordon Smith

Sometime between now and the end of July, Chancellor Chandler of the Delaware Court of Chancery will issue his much-anticipated opinion in the Disney case. Whatever the outcome, this decision will generate important discussions about executive compensation in US corporations, the so-called "fiduciary duty of good faith," and the appropriate role of the board of directors in the corporate governance system, among other topics.

To facilitate these discussions, Conglomerate has assembled a diverse group of law professors -- most of whom have written about prior developments in the Disney litigation -- to participate in a blog symposium beginning the morning after the opinion's release. In addition to the regular Conglomerate bloggers, the following professors will participate in our first Conglomerate Forum:

Sean Griffith of the University of Connecticut School of Law
Larry Hamermesh of the Widener University School of Law
Lyman Johnson of Washington & Lee University School of Law
Larry Ribstein of the University of Illinois College of Law
Hillary Sale of the University of Iowa College of Law
David Skeel of the University of Pennsylvania Law School
Lynn Stout of the UCLA School of Law

We hope that you will make a point of visiting Conglomerate after you see the initial news reports about the decision. In the meantime, if you want to whet your appetite for the discussion, read Larry Ribstein's provocative prediction of Chancellor Chandler's opinion.

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"The folks over at Conglomerate are hosting a blog symposium to talk about Disney. And what a cast of ..." [more] (Tracked on July 20, 2005 @ 8:48)
» Disney Board Wins from ProfessorBainbridge.com ...
"The Disney board of directors won the Ovitz executive compensation litigation. Huge win for them and ..." [more] (Tracked on August 9, 2005 @ 20:01)
» Disney Board Wins from ProfessorBainbridge.com ...
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