August 19, 2005
Regrets, Anyone?
Posted by Christine Hurt

Doug Berman at PrawfsBlawg is asking a question from an ABA survey:  If you could go back and attend law school again, what opportunity do you wish you had pursued?  Or what seemed like a big deal at the time but, looking back on it, you would not pursue again?

1.  This question is easy for me.  I would have applied for a judicial clerkship.  I was going into corporate law, so the substance of clerking for a judge did not seem applicable.  I graduated during a recession in Texas, and most of us were just happy to have gotten big firm jobs; taking a 50% pay cut for a year did not seem that tempting.  As a first-generation college graduate, I also didn't have any family or friends who could tell me that the intangible benefits of clerking would outweigh the opportunity costs.  My loss.

2.  For some reason, this flashback soul-searching reminds me of the most uncomfortable interviewing moment during law school.  I was on a flyback to a big firm in Atlanta, and I was in a partner's office.  He had just mentioned that he had two kids in college.  Trying to make conversation, I asked him if either of his kids would go to law school.  He stood up, walked away from me, and said, "I would consider my life a failure if my kids went to law school."  The rest of the half-hour passed very slowly.

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