September 02, 2005
Where's Fred?
Posted by Christine Hurt

I apologize for my blogging silence.  Nothing this week has seemed remotely appropriate to talk about with New Orleans in the backdrop.  I have refrained from blogging about New Orleans because it seemed inappropriate to be theorizing about how many looters can fit on the head of a pin when mothers are sitting outside the Superdome next to dead bodies while their babies cry for food -- in America.

Today, two friends ask important questions.  Todd Z. asks Where's Rudy?, and Orin asks Where's George?.  These bloggers are pointing to individuals that they believe have both the ability and the responsibility to help.  I will add my voice here:  Where's Fred Smith?

Mr. Smith, no one seems to be able to figure out the logistics of moving supplies and people quickly, safely, and efficiently.  Your company, FedEx, does this every day at lightning speed.  You invented the concept of branding, and guarantee you that if CNN showed fleets of FedEx trucks and planes in New Orleans, that your social responsibility efforts would be applauded by shareholders and customers alike.  I personally pledge to use FedEx exclusively for the rest of my life if you will get down there and do something.

I don't want to sit here and argue about whether there should be a market response, a conservative response, a humanitarian response, a liberal response, etc.  There has to be a response, and someone needs to step up and say, "Here am I.  Send me."  And I don't mean a helicopter fly-by, either. 

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