October 21, 2005
Dear Harriet ...
Posted by Gordon Smith

It's time to withdraw.

The Supreme Court gig must have sounded great when President Bush first floated the idea, but the last three weeks can't have been much fun. You probably have been waiting for public opinion to turn a corner, but it's only getting worse.

If you doubt that your nomination is in serious trouble, I am told that George Will's forthcoming column in the Washington Post will disabuse you of your doubts. Remember that he wrote the column that first gave momentum to your opponents.

Then, I assume you will be submitting a revised version of the Senate questionnaire, the first edition of which received such a hearty welcome earlier this week. And just as we are done digesting that, the confirmation hearings will begin.

The Senate is on high alert now, despite your sponsor's strong-arm tactics. You may be able to avoid those private meetings with Senators that seem to be going so poorly, but you will not be able to avoid the confirmation hearings. Thousands of bloggers will be hanging on every word of those hearings. Your worst nightmare: Ann Althouse has Tivo!

Like I said, it's only getting worse.

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