November 26, 2005
Corporate Blogging
Posted by Gordon Smith

My family spent Thanksgiving with a friend in Minneapolis who is a Senior VP for online stores with Best Buy. In addition to having a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, we enjoyed lots of conversation about retailing, particularly e-commerce, which has long fascinated me. Among other topics, we discussed corporate blogging. Best Buy doesn't have a corporate blog, but I encouraged my friend to explore blogging as a means of building a community of people who are interested in the company.

Tonight, after arriving back in Madison, I checked out Best Buy's e-commerce site, which has been having technical problems all week. I found this:


Although my friend is not in charge of the technical side of the business, he wondered whether a corporate blog might prove useful in circumstances like this. In a word, yes.

Corporate blogging is not all roses, but it's strength lies in the possibility of genuine communication between officers of a corporation and the corporation's customers, employees, suppliers, etc.

Here is a nice article with some suggestions on corporate blogging. If you are interested in further reading, try Naked Conversations.

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