November 18, 2005
Embarking on the Disney Wonder
Posted by Christine Hurt

Sometime tomorrow our family will embark on our biggest vacation since Paul's and my honeymoon -- we're going to Disney World!  First, we're going on a 3-night Disney cruise, then we'll round out our week in Orlando at the Magic Kingdom theme park.    My feelings alternate between joy and elation on the one hand and icy fear on the other.  If you have Disney advice, be sure to share in the comments.  If your advice involves "Turn back!  Don't go!" then keep it to yourself because we've gone too far.  Yes, I understand the concept of sunk costs, but I also understand how much it would cost me to tell a certain 4-year-old boy that we were not having his birthday on the Disney cruise.

Here's hoping for no hurricanes and no pirates except for Captain Hook and that Johnny Depp guy.

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