November 25, 2005
Like When Han Solo Comes Out of the Carbon Freeze. . .
Posted by Christine Hurt

. . .that's how I'm feeling after returning from our Disney cruise/Disney World vacation.  We returned today from sunny Florida to Milwaukee in the 20s with inches and inches of snow.  But that's just the beginning.  Then, I see that Bloglines is telling me that I have 255 new posts.  Ideoblog alone has 18 new posts.  Wow.  Larry must be on a roll.  Nope, Larry "No other authors, ever" Ribstein has turned over his blog to a whole crew of familiar Glom "faces," including Kate Litvak, Josh Wright, and Geoff Manne.  Larry also notes that some assemblage of these guest bloggers will start their own blog, Truth on the Market, sometime soon.

I hope I haven't missed anything else while away.

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