I have been watching the Alito confirmation hearings on C-SPAN, as time permits, and reading reports, listening to callers, etc. It's hard to think of a better example of "you see what you want to see." Just compare PowerLine and Daily Kos. If it weren't for the names, you'd swear that they were talking about different events altogether.
Understanding this potential for bias, I venture my own brief analysis: the Democrats are scoring a few points, but Alito is winning by a landslide. Two bits of evidence seem particularly important in evaluating the likelihood of confirmation:
(1) The coverage by MSM is going Alito's way. Notice that the focus of almost all of the major stories is on Democratic attempts to trip Alito.
W$J: "Senate Democrats to Press Alito Harder on Key Issues"
NYT: "Democrats Press Alito for Specifics on Abortion"
WaPo: "For Democrats, A Most Tender Roast of Alito."
Democrats seem frustrated. We get quotations like this from Chuck Schumer: "It should not be a situation that unless he says something wrong he is confirmed." Well, you can say that all you want, but Alito entered the hearings with a presumption that he should be confirmed. That presumption was based on his long and distinguished record, and Schumer knows very well that Alito would be rejected only if he slipped spectacularly. He didn't slip.
(2) What is the big story of the day? Kennedy and Specter are fighting about whether Specter received what Kennedy sent. When we look back on these hearings, this may be the moment when we knew it was over. After all, they were bickering about control of the committee, not about the merits of the nomination.
We will watch with interest for other developments, but you might as well get used to saying "Justice Alito."
UPDATE: Drudge is reporting that Mrs. Alito left the hearing room in tears. It must be tough to see a loved one's integrity challenged, especially if you are not accustomed to that sort of environment. Mrs. Alito might do well to remember that her husband is merely the present symbol of a set of policies that the Democrats hate. It's not personal, it's politics.
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