April 18, 2006
Skilling Under Fire
Posted by Gordon Smith

The media bloggers seem to be impressed with posecutor Sean Berkowitz's style so far. I just discovered WaPO's Enron blog, which offers another angle to supplement the W$J's Law Blog and the Houston Chronicle's Enron TrialWatch, both of which have been excellent. Though all three seem impressed with various Berkowitz tactics, the question is whether he has scored any important points against Jeff Skilling on the merits.

Photofete? Given the numbers of dollars thrown around at Enron, Skilling's $180,000 investment in Photofete over two years hardly seems like a front-page scandal, even if the founder of the company and Skilling became romantically involved.

The California joke? Again, style points, but it hardly exposes a criminal mind.

The jury consultant? Ditto.

As for the main substantive issues in the case -- the stock sales, LJM, the alleged conspiracy with Lay -- Berkowitz seemed to make little headway. Skilling is repeating points that he made on direct.

It's too early in the week to draw conclusions, but Berkowtiz will need more than a few courtroom tricks to convince the jury that Skilling masterminded a criminal conspiracy.

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