May 30, 2006
Conglomerate Forum: Enron
Posted by Gordon Smith

Enron_logo_1On June 1-2, we will be hosting Conglomerate Forum: Enron, an online symposium to explore issues relating to the use of criminal law as a corporate governance mechanism in the wake of last week's guilty verdicts against Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling. In addition to the Conglomerate bloggers, confirmed participants include:

Matt Bodie, Hofstra University School of Law
William Bratton, Georgetown Law Center
John Coffee, Columbia Law School
Thomas Joo, University of California at Davis Law School
Vic Khanna, University of Michigan Law School
Don Langevoort, Georgetown Law Center
Ellen Podgor, Stetson University College of Law
Nancy Rapoport, University of Houston Law Center
Larry Ribstein, University of Illinois Law School

Conglomerate Forum: Enron is modeled on our previous online symposium, last fall's Conglomerate Forum: Disney, which you can find archived here. Participants will post their observations and insights spontaneously -- that is, without any predetermined assignments or ordering -- and the rest of us will engage them in the comments. Simple as that.

We hope that you will join us on Thursday and Friday.

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» Enron and criminal law as corporate governance from Monty's Bluff ...
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