June 07, 2006
Tour de France 2006: Will Hincapie Lead Discovery?
Posted by Gordon Smith

VelonewsThe Tour de France is less than a month away, and Team Discovery still hasn't decided who will replace Lance Armstrong as the lead rider. The cover of the newly released VeloNews Official Guide asks, "Can Hincapie Continue Lance's Legacy?" But George Hincapie is playing it cool. This is from a recent interview with Eurosport:

With you, Yaroslav Popovych, Paolo Savoldelli, and Jose Azevedo, the team has four guys capable of high overall performances. Who will be the leader with no Lance around and how is team unity?

Hincapie: I think in principal we'll have more than one leader this year. We always just had Lance and now we have maybe two or three guys that at the start maybe considered the leaders of our team, and I think during the race that will decide who will be the real leader. But the cohesion is great, we all get along really well, and we all have the same goal.

Some people are wondering whether the Tour will be as exciting without Lance, but I think this could be the most suspenseful Tour in several years. Unless Ivan Basso rides away from the field.

Still, amidst all of the uncertainty about this year's Tour, you can count on one thing: the French won't win.

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