July 27, 2006
Too Good To Be True?
Posted by Gordon Smith

We were all amazed by Floyd Landis' ride in Stage 17 of this year's Tour de France. Now we learn that he tested positive for excessive testosterone in a sample taken immediately after that stage. According to his team, Landis will "ask for the counter analysis to prove either that this result is coming from a natural process or that this is resulting from a mistake in the confirmation." Here is the mother angle from ESPN:

Arlene Landis, his mother, said Thursday that she wouldn't blame her son if he was taking medication to treat the pain in his injured hip, but "if it's something worse than that, then he doesn't deserve to win."

"I didn't talk to him since that hit the fan, but I'm keeping things even keel until I know what the facts are," she said in a phone interview from her home in Farmersville, Pa. "I know that this is a temptation to every rider but I'm not going to jump to conclusions ... It disappoints me."

One of our commenters raised this possibility right after the stage. I am sad to see that commenter's suspicions appear to have been justified.

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