October 17, 2006
Posted by Gordon Smith

Steve Bainbridge has decided to withdraw from political punditry and turn his popular site into a "niche blog focused on business law and economics." This is good news for those of us who go there primarily to read about insider trading or corporate law, and I believe that it will strengthen the blogging sector to which Conglomerate belongs by adding Steve's more focused voice.

From a personal standpoint, I can understand Steve's decision. General interest blogging is hard work.  Conglomerate has become more tightly focused on business and law over time, partly because we have expanded the number of bloggers and our common interest is business law. But I suspect that another explanation for this development is that those of us who blog here find that blogging about work is easier than blogging about all manner of other subjects.

In any event, I wish Steve the best with his new venture.

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