February 25, 2007
The Greatest Snow Day Ever?
Posted by Gordon Smith

I think that's how my children will remember the Blizzard of 2007. Church was cancelled, and Mother Nature created a six-foot snow drift beside our garage. Two of my children spotted an opportunity.


My wife later helped the children build "Snowhenge," a supernatural monument, which doubled as a resting place.


We don't own a snow blower, so we clear our driveway the old fashioned way.


My oldest son shoveled the driveway three times in 24 hours. That pile of snow is mostly his work.



Of course, he had a bit of help from his old man.


At the end of the day, after spending about ten hours in the snow, two of my children discovered a 15-foot luge course on one of the drifts, which they attacked heartily on their backs without a sled. For a child, it doesn't get much better than this.

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