April 27, 2007
AALS Section on Business Organizations: Call for Papers
Posted by Gordon Smith

Call for Papers

The AALS Section on Business Associations will meet during the AALS Annual Meeting in New York City, from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm on Thursday, January 3, 2008.

The topic for this year’s session is "Corporate Law in Global Markets." The globalization of markets for capital, products, and managers has cast a bright spotlight on domestic legal regimes, including U.S. corporate governance laws. In the first half of the session, a roundtable discussion among scholars from the U.S. and Europe will explore the international competition of corporate governance laws.

The second half of the session will feature paper presentations based on submissions made in response to this Call for Papers. While possible topics include regulatory competition, the Executive Committee of the Section encourages submissions on other aspects of comparative corporate governance; the implications of reincorporation of U.S. corporations; the regulation of multinational corporations; inter-jurisdictional litigation and enforcement; the role of stock exchanges; and the like.

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit a summary of no more than three double-spaced pages (e-mail preferred) before Friday, August 17, 2007. In addition to the summary, you may also submit a complete draft of your paper. Direct your submission to:

Professor D. Gordon Smith
[email protected]

Prior to May 31, 2007

University of Wisconsin Law School
975 Bascom Mall
Madison, WI 53706

After May 31, 2007
J. Reuben Clark Law School
Brigham Young University
P.O. Box 28000
Provo, UT  84602

Papers will be selected after review by members of the Executive Committee of the Section on Business Associations, including:

Richard Booth (Maryland/Villanova)
William Bratton (Georgetown)
Eric Chiappinelli (Seattle)
John Coates (Harvard)
Deborah DeMott (Duke, past Chair)
Therese Maynard (Loyola)
Marlene O’Connor (Stetson)
Frank Partnoy (San Diego, Chair-elect)
Larry Ribstein (Illinois)
David Skeel (Penn)
Gordon Smith (Wisconsin/BYU, Chair)
Guhan Subramanian (Harvard)
Cynthia Williams (Illinois)

Authors of accepted papers will be notified by Friday, September 28, 2007. Please feel to free pass this Call for Papers along to any colleagues who may be interested.

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