May 19, 2007
Shrek the Third Comes in Third for our Family
Posted by Christine Hurt

Yes, we went to see Shrek the Third on opening day last night!  After the 90-something minutes, Paul and I looked at each other and said, "Was that the whole movie?"  The movie is thin on plot and story, but thick on songs from our generation and jokes only the parents will get.  Shrek the Third, which brings to the cast Justin Timberlake, is more like a 90-minute music video -- an assemblage if visually interesting scenes, driving music, and twists on conventional wisdom.  I liked the part with the three "Disney Princesses" -- Cindrella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White -- rescuing themselves, for example.  Amazingly, the animation continues to get better every year.  The wrinkled sadness on the Queen's face at her husband's lily pond funeral made her seem incredibly lifelike.

But unlike the first Shrek movie, I can't imagine that if we buy the DVD that it will become a household favorite.  The original Shrek was the first movie that my oldest child sat through, and we sat through it three times that summer (I was pregnant, had very low energy, and we lived within walking distance of a movie theater).  We watched it again the other night for a Friday movie night at home.  The kids still loved it, six years later.  The new Shrek just isn't in that category.

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