August 10, 2007
Study Says Bad Bosses Get Promoted, Not Punished
Posted by Lisa Fairfax

A study to be presented at the Academy of Management's annual meeting indicates that bad bosses get promoted rather than punished.  According to the study, nearly two-thirds or 64.2 percent of the 240 people surveyed said that their bad boss was either never censured or was promoted for domineering ways.  The three study authors from Bond University in Australia suggested that the promotion of such leaders has a negative impact on the corporate environment and the bottom-line.  Indeed, despite their apparent success in office, such leaders not only cause workplace strife, but also cause serious malaise for their subordinates including nightmares, insomnia, depression and exhaustion.  Bad bosses also lead to increased employee turnover, which can impact profit.  This is because not only do many employees eventually walk away from workplaces with spiteful supervisors, but such supervisors often develop a reputation that makes it difficult to recruit and retain employees.  The study's authors faulted senior managers for failing to recognize the signs of bad supervisors as well as the leaders above such managers who fail to intervene or otherwise elect to reward the behavior of spiteful bosses.

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