August 17, 2007
The Juggle and Children in the Classroom
Posted by Gordon Smith

The Juggle is a W$J blog with the subtitle: " on choices and tradeoffs people make as they juggle work and family." The choices and tradeoffs people make, not just women, though the current posts have a definite feminine slant.

Browsing The Juggle prompted me to reflect on an issue that sometimes arises in law school: whether a law student should be allowed to bring a child (children?) into the classroom. This issue touches not only on the learning environment for the parent, but for all of his or her classmates. My experience has been that children in the classroom are always a distraction to someone, even when they are well-behaved or sleeping. And children in the classroom are not always well-behaved or sleeping.

As a general rule, therefore, "no children in class" seems like the right default rule. Nevertheless, I have permitted students to bring children into my classroom (and even brought my own children two or three times over the years) when child care unexpectedly fell through. Does that seem like a reasonable approach?

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