Franck and Jeffery Commission are my go-to sources for information on the
exploding universe of investment arbitration claims against countries. Think NAFTA, or, more commonly, arbitrations
done pursuant to bilateral investment treaties by a World Bank outfit known as
ICSID. If a foreign investor thinks that, say, Argentina treated it differently
than it did domestic investors when it passed that currency stability law, then
it can go to ICSID after a straightforward exhaustion process. The idea is that foreign investors don’t want
their rights judged by the domestic courts of less developed countries; ICSID
is the mechanism used to contract out of that default presumption.
you probably knew that. What you didn’t
know is which American arbitrators are most likely to handle ICSID
disputes. Commission has come up with the answer (see tables D and
E). Charles Brower is our iron man, with
6 concluded and 6 pending arbitrations
under his belt. He is an emeritus White
& Case partner. Michael Reisman (Yale,
4 pending)), and Andreas Lowenfeld (NYU, 2 pending + 2 concluded), looked like
our most commonly used professors, though Ronald Cass (BU), David Gantz
(Arizona) and David Caron (Berkeley)
have also received work, as has Thomas Buergenthal (a professor/international
judge), Benjamin Civiletti (a former AG), and Fred Fielding (the White House counsel).
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