December 11, 2007
The Choice of Multiple Choice
Posted by Lisa Fairfax

As I stare at my 100+ Business Associations exams, I ask myself why I have yet to give a multiple choice exam.  Since I have been in academia, my exams have been a combination of short and long essay questions.  At a meeting over the weekend when I asked a couple of law professors what type of exams they gave, I was surprised to learn that almost everyone gave or had given a multiple choice exam in some form.  That is, some people gave half or some portion of their exam as multiple choice, while others gave an entire multiple choice exam.   Of course everyone agrees that creating multiple choice exams takes significantly more time than creating an essay exam, and hence the ease of grading that such exams provide requires input of time on the front-end.  However, the brief survey over the weekend, did have me wondering if more people have begun to gravitate toward multiple choice exams in lieu of the essay.

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