January 26, 2008
Parting Thoughts
Posted by Garry Jenkins


Well, my two week guest stint has come to an end.  First, I want to thank Gordon, Lisa, Christine, Vic, David, and Fred for having me on the Glom.  Second, I also want to express my gratitude to all the readers out there (especially those who leave comments J).  This was my first attempt at blogging, and it’s really been an honor and lot of fun. 


Hopefully, the posts of the past couple of weeks generate more conversations.  I hope others who may be interested in similar themes will get in touch with me and share their work.  Much of my scholarship deals with the connection between corporate and nonprofit issues.  For example my most recent article, Incorporation Choice, Uniformity, and the Reform of Nonprofit State Law, explores issues related to nonprofit incorporation.   


Here’s the abstract:

This Article explores the significance of private lawmaking initiatives in the reform process of nonprofit state law, with specific consideration to recent and on-going projects led by the American Bar Association, American Law Institute, and National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. The paper documents and explains how various institutional dynamics, ingrained habits, and other factors unique to the tax-exempt sector, most notably the choices of nonprofit organizations regarding where to incorporate, effect the ways in which nonprofit law is developed. To that end, the Article presents empirical findings revealing that nonprofits are far less likely than for-profit corporations to opt for out-of-state incorporation. This, in turn, makes nonprofit entities less able than their for-profit counterparts to shape the legal regime governing their activities and thus heightens the influence of private lawmaking projects in the charitable sector.

I welcome comments and new ideas.  Once again, many thanks.

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