January 23, 2009
"Glum and Glummer"
Posted by Lisa Fairfax

That is the title of a Forbes article on the best and worst fund performers over the latest 12 months.  It shows that the five worst performing domestic stock funds posted losses of at least 60%.  And that even the best performing domestic stock funds had losses, though they ranged from .3% to 4.7%.  Certainly, such losses were better than the S&P 500's return last year, which Forbes indicated was -36.7%.  Domestic funds also faired better than foreign stock funds, whose best performers posted losses of at least 21% and worst performers had losses of at least 62%.  But emerging markets stock funds really took a hit: the best performers had losses of at least 39% and the worst performers had losses of at least 68%.  As these returns reveal, "Glum and Glummer" seems to appropriately capture the news with respect to fund performance this last year.

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