January 29, 2009
Obama Brings Business Casual to the White House
Posted by Christine Hurt

I know that people like to argue over whether President Obama is a baby boomer, being born in 1961 and either being a very late Baby Boomer or a very early Gen Xer, so this story should put an end to that discussion.  Obama is an Xer (or a member of the 13th Generation, according to this article).  Apparently, he's shaking up the White House.  Take your jacket off if it makes you more comfortable.  Wear business casual on Saturday.  Exercise, get your kids off to school, then start your work day.

I guess I must be an Xer because I'm less surprised that President Obama lets his staff wear jeans on Saturday than I am surprised that former President George Bush actually cared what people wore on Saturday.  Wow.

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