April 03, 2009
The Panic of 2008, at GW
Posted by David Zaring

Lisa Fairfax and I will be at the Panic of 2008 conference at GW today and tomorrow.  Larry Cunningham has the details.  Here's the participant list:

Law School Academics (non-GW)

Bill Bratton (Georgetown)
Don Langevoort (Georgetown)
Milt Regan (Georgetown)
Jon Macey (Yale)
Pat McCoy (Connecticut)

Harvey Goldschmid (Columbia)
Tamar Frankel (BU)
Henry Hu (Texas)
David Zaring (Penn/Wharton)
David Skeel (Penn)

Lisa Fairfax (Maryland)
Joe McCahery (Amsterdam)
Jim Cox (Duke)
Steve Schwarcz (Duke)

Frank Partnoy (San Diego)
Bobby Ahdieh (Emory)
Anna Gelpern (Rutgers Newark)
Jim Fanto (Brooklyn)
Heidi Mandanis Schooner (Catholic)

Scholars from Non-Law Academic Departments

Robert Bruner (Virginia, Business)
Sean Carr (Viirginia, Business)
Ed Altman (NYU, Business)

Bill Handorf (GW, Finance)
Jay Ritter (Florida, Finance)
Charles Geisst (Manhattan College, Finance)

Ken Snowden (North Carolina, Economics)
Maury Klein (Rhode Island, History)
Richard Sylla (NYU, History)

Private Sector Participants

Jack Bogle (Vanguard)
Russell Ramsey (Ramsey Asset Management)
Ed Labaton (Labaton Sucharow)
Irving Pollack (Fulbright & Jaworski)
Stanley Sporkin (former U.S. District Court for DC, Judge)
Peter Wallison (American Enterprise Institute)


Dennis Berman (Wall Street Journal)
Floyd Norris (New York Times)
Daniel Gross (Newsweek)
Rob Cox (Breakingview)
Jesse Eisenger (Condé Nast Portfolio)

GW Law
Larry Mitchell (Conference Chair)
Michael Abramowicz
Larry Cunningham
Theresa Gabaldon
Susan Karamanian
Greg Maggs
Art Wilmarth

GW Student Corporate and Business Law Society
Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society (Carla Rosati, Executive Director)

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