August 05, 2009
The New Vice-Chancellor is ...
Posted by Gordon Smith

Someone from this list.

Jay Brown predicts: "the replacement will look like all the rest." By that he means white, male, defense lawyer.

Jay is probably right about the first two attributes of the next Chancellor (the list contains no minorities and only one woman), but I suspect he won't be right about the third. Two of the most credible candidates -- Joel Friedlander and Travis Laster -- often represent plaintiffs in important Delaware corporate cases. Admittedly, both worked for big defense firms at one time (Skadden and Richards, Layton, respectively), but if you are looking for a judge who can see things from the plaintiff's perspective, either of these two would fit the bill.

Francis G.X. Pileggi notes that Governor Markell could announce a nominee as early as next week.

By the way, Joel and I worked together at Skadden, and he is top notch. He would be a worthy replacement for Steve Lamb. Unfortunately, I don't know Travis, though I have heard good things about him, too.

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