May 24, 2010
Are Individual Blogs Better Than Group Ones?
Posted by David Zaring

Bainbridge thinks so, and accordingly mildly bemoans Ribstein's move to Truth on the Market, which Eric has already told you about.  

I like sole authored blogs a lot better than group blogs. They tend to be more coherent. They have a real voice rather than a cacophony of noises. I feel a greater degree of personal connection to a sole-authored blog than to a group. The quality of group blogs tends to be uneven.

I like Bainbridge, even though he's a sole author.  And I like consolidation in the business law professor blogging sector because it makes it easier to fix prices.  Moreover, I think our particular group blog diversifies your reading risk quite nicely.  You get meaty posts on a variety of issues from distinctive voices, we still have a coherent raison d'etre, and you're not in thrall to one voice that may eventually start banging on about something that you don't find very interesting.  Like Little Green Footballs or something. Group blogs are also, because they are more likely to last, long term, more likely to build up going concern value.

But as a provider of blog content, I'd say that one of the best things about group blogs is the diversification of the risk - of someone going on a trip and not posting, the afore mentioned views issue, that sort of thing.  In this sense, individual blogs are slightly more of a gamble.  You may get Andrew Sullivan, but more likely, you'll get someone who will lose interest after a while.  Joint partnerships are more lunchpail-like, put in your time, and I like that ethos.

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