May 19, 2010
Job opening for transactional clinician
Posted by Erik Gerding

New Mexico will be looking to hire a clinician -- tenured, tenure-track or visiting -- for its Business and Tax Clinic in the Fall, and is looking to get a head start identifying lateral prospects over the summer.

Here is the ad:


The University of New Mexico School of Law invites applications and nominations for a faculty position beginning in the fall of 2011, teaching in UNM’s Business and Tax Clinic. The Business and Tax Clinic is part of UNM’s nationally-ranked clinical law program. This Clinic teaches students to practice law in a commercial setting, specifically assisting individuals, small businesses and non-profit corporations with a variety of transactional and dispute resolution issues, as well as clients with consumer, debtor-creditor, tax, and home mortgage issues. It emphasizes economic development issues and collaborates with our other clinics. The position is full-time and may be probationary leading to a tenure decision, tenured, or visiting. Salary and terms of employment will depend upon the qualifications of the successful candidate.

Candidates must possess a J.D. degree or equivalent legal degree. Preferred qualifications include a background teaching in a clinic handling transactional issues or transactional or litigation practice experience in the following areas: commercial law, corporations, tax, entrepreneurship, economic development, consumer law, or debtor-creditor law. Teaching experience in the doctrinal business and tax curriculum will also be considered, as well as in other law school clinical settings. Preferred qualifications include a record or promise of excellence in teaching and scholarship.

For best consideration, applicants should apply by June 30th, 2010. The position will remain open until filled. Applicants should attach their cover letter and CV to their online application via the UNMJobs website: The position is listed as posting number 0806253.

The University of New Mexico is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. UNM is committed to promoting and supporting the diversity of our campuses.

Blogger notes:  I am told the "best consideration date" mentioned above is intended for lateral candidates.  The hiring committee will review entry level candidates through the AALS FAR and Faculty Recruitment Conference in the Fall.

UNM is also looking to hire two additional positions: one in Civil Procedure (position number 0806250 at the above website) and one in either Constitutional Law or Property (0806251). 

My colleague Liz Rapaport is head of the Hiring Commitee.

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