June 01, 2010
2010 Conglomerate Junior Scholars Workshop: Call for Papers
Posted by Christine Hurt

Big Drumroll, Please!

The 2010 Conglomerate Junior Scholars Workshop is underway!  This fifth edition of our spectacularly amazing contribution to supporting the scholarship of tomorrow's tenured professors today has arrived.

According to tradition and good judgment, the Conglomerate JSW is open to any and all untenured scholars in the general area of business law.  Conglomerate has now hosted this workshop in four previous summers, and we have come to believe that the workshop provides a great service of matching junior authors with more senior experts in their field and also with other readers inside and outside of the academy.

The 2010 Conglomerate Junior Scholars Workshop will be live online around July 19, 2010 with allowance for the schedules of our commentators. We will host one or two papers each week, with the paper and solicited comments posted the morning the paper is showcased. We anticipate hosting no more than three to five papers to ensure reader participation and attention for the duration of the workshop. Because of this desire to narrow the field somewhat, not every paper will be selected for public posting on the workshop. Criteria for selection will work to create a roster of papers that

* add to the existing literature on that topic

* are at a point of substantial completeness and readiness for submission

* from junior academics

* at a wide array of academic institutions

* on topics that fit closely with the interests of the authors and readers of Conglomerate.

Although the umbrella of business law covers many topics, we will choose topics that allow us to easily solicit expert commentary and that attract reader comments. We are not deluded enough to believe that being chosen for the workshop has value in and of itself; the value lies in attracting commentary and reader suggestions as part of the workshop. Thus, we see no value in choosing an otherwise excellent and intriguing paper if we cannot use our networks to line up expert commentary. In addition, we feel that the greatest value of the workshop lies in giving feedback and exposure to junior law professors. Therefore, papers chosen will be authored by those junior academics in full-time academic positions, whether tenure-track professors, visiting assistant professors or fellows. Papers from pracititioners, judicial clerks or doctorate-level students will only be chosen in the rare circumstance in which the author is actively pursuing an academic appointment in the upcoming hiring season.

Call for Papers:

If you are finishing up a scholarly article this summer on a topic that may be interesting to Conglomerate’s readers – such as corporate law, securities, contracts, business tax, finance, antitrust or law and economics – we would like to invite you to submit a completed draft to be considered for the workshop. During the workshop, we will link to your paper and provide a forum for you to receive feedback on your paper before you publish it or present it at a conference, workshop or job talk. We strongly prefer articles that have not been accepted for publication but may also consider accepted articles if the paper has not begun the editing process. We know that many new faculty members do not have the opportunity to present papers at national conferences and find it challenging to get others in their field to read their work. Hopefully, this workshop will facilitate that process.

The mechanics of the workshop are the same as in past years; we will post SSRN links to each paper in the workshop prior to the beginning week. On the specified day, a post will go up for the paper of the day, with an abstract of your paper and some initial comments by invited guest commentator(s). Afterward, you can respond in the comments to the commentator, and readers will post additional comments, creating a cyber discussion of your paper. If you read the blog or know us personally, you know that we strive to be the "if you can’t say something nice" people, but the workshop will not be helpful unless commentators are honest critics. So, we will be supportive of your work, but give constructive criticism as necessary. We will also prohibit anonymous comments in an effort to make sure only serious commenters participate. However, you are advised that your paper will be accessible to the public on SSRN and via links on our blog and that we anticipate having relatively high reader traffic during the workshop.

If any of this sounds good to you, please email me ([email protected]) with your information, an abstract of your article, and your completed draft by June 26, 2010. No submission will be accepted on the basis of an abstract without a draft. Likewise, contact me if you have any questions. And most importantly, please pass this invitation to others that may be interested.

Call for Commentators:

If you are a reader and would like to be a commentator for one of the papers presented, please let me know that as well. If you were a presenter in a previous year's workshop, then you may feel moved to repay the benefits you received by stepping into that role this year. And, just because you don't call me, that doesn't mean I won't be calling you!

In case you've forgotten how fabulous the Conglomerate JSW is, here is a list of past featured authors:  Minor Myers, James Park, Heather Field, Ethan Leib, Brian Broughman, David Adam Friedman, Miriam Baer, Alexander "Sasha" Volokh, Darian Ibrahim, Paul Rose, D.A. Jeremy Telman, Susan Morse, Adam J. Levitin, Eric Goldman, William Birdthistle, Matthew Bodie, Brian Galle, David Gamage, Allon Kedem, Mike Guttantag, Bill Henderson, Ruth Mason, David Reiss, Michael Woronoff and Jonathan Rosen.

And, of course, our commentator honor roll is stellar:  Larry Ribstein, Bill Carney, Tom Ulen, Curtis Bridgeman, Brett McDonnell, Doug Moll, Barbara Black, George Dent, David Hoffman, Paul Rubin, Joan Heminway, Kim Krawiec, Sean Griffith, Bob Lawless, Ronald Mann, Larry Garvin, Todd Zywicki, Peter Huang, Frank Pasquale, Kristin Hickman, Claire Hill, Adam Pritchard, Elizabeth Nowicki, Steven Dean, Larry Cunningham, Leandra Lederman, Gregg Polsky and more.

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