June 20, 2010
Getting It, By Daniel Shaviro
Posted by David Zaring

NYU tax professor extraordinaire Dan Shaviro's most recent work is not on tax policy, but on making partner.  And it is fiction.  Getting It is concise, witty, and sometimes racy.  I just sped through it, and commend it to you all.  It focuses on the workings of a Washington law firm in the Reagan era, in which three associates are up for partner.  One is far too earnest, another a bit too easily duped, and the third, our anti-hero, Bill Doberman has a lot on his mind, juggling partners, women, work, and play.  He simply doesn't have time to Shepardize everything, which is relevant, given that all three are working on a brief together.

Anyway, as an avid consumer of novels, particularly about lawyering, I'm always happy to see a law professor write a fun one.  I'm hoping to make reviewing them an expertise.  And like Kermit Roosevelt's In the Shadow of the Law, Shaviro's is an indictment of the law firm, though the tone here is more black humor than thriller.  Here's Above The Law on Getting It, here's Taxprof, here's the Amazon link, and here's the book's Facebook page.  You know what to do.

Shaviro getting it cover

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