March 21, 2011
Masters Forum: Legal Education
Posted by Usha Rodrigues

Welcome to our Masters Forum on Legal Education. While the Masters will focus on the ABA's proposed changes to accreditation standards (reproduced below), I suspect, as Erik does, that they may also address the reported decline in law school applications and talk of the law school bubble's bursting

Proposed changes

a.  Requirements that law schools articulate student learning goals and periodically measure their students' achievement of the goals;

b.  A new rule that would provide for the public disclosure of accreditation findings for individual law schools;

c.  Relaxing the current standard that requires that schools must require every applicant to have a score on a valid and reliable entrance examination (practically speaking, the LSAT);

d.  Removing the current requirements that prescribe particular types of contracts (in terms of duration, participation rights, etc.) that must be given to faculty members who don't have tenure, while strengthening law schools' obligations to protect the academic freedom of all full time faculty members.  A related edit would relax the current requirement that the university or governing body must provide the dean with tenure as a member of his or her faculty;

e.  Reconsidering current standards that require schools to have class attendance policies, limit students from taking a internship at which they would be paid, and substantially limit credit hours that can be earned by students through distance education courses;

f.  Reconsidering the (relatively new) policy concerning minimum or threshold bar passage rates and addressing the perception that the thresholds established by the policy are too low.

Let the Forum begin!

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