September 30, 2011
Wisconsin Law Review Symposium: Who's in the House? The Changing Role and Nature of In-House and General Counsel
Posted by Erik Gerding

A conference produced by our friends in Madison...

Who’s in the House?

The Changing Role and Nature of In-House and General Counsel

Wisconsin Law Review Symposium

November 18-19, 2011

Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery

Program Chair: Jonathan C. Lipson, Foley & Lardner Professor of Law

This symposium will bring together leading scholars and attorneys to discuss the under-explored, but growing, role of in-house and corporate general counsel in the rapidly changing market for legal services. Keynote Speakers include Cynthia M. Fornelli (Center for Audit Quality Control), Gail A. Lione (Retired Executive VP & GC of Harley-Davidson, Inc.) and David Wilkins (Harvard Law School). Distinguished panelists and commenters include Daniel C. K. Chow (Ohio State University Moritz College of Law), Kathleen Cully (New York), Deborah A. DeMott (Duke University Law School), Michael Falk (Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation), Lawrence A. Hamermesh (Widener University School of Law), Christoph Henkel (Mississippi College School of Law), R. Thomas Howell, Jr. (American Bar Association), Mike Koehler (Butler University), John J. Huber (FTI Consulting), Donald C. Langevoort (Georgetown University Law Center), Stephanie A. Lyons (Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.), Matthew Neco (Docstoc, Inc.), Thomas P. Newman (AIG, Inc.), Jerome D. Okarma (Johnson Controls), Larry E. Ribstein (University of Illinois College of Law), William H. Simon (Columbia Law School), Steven L. Schwarcz (Duke University Law School), Andrew Brady Spalding (Chicago-Kent College of Law), Bill Stone (Outside GC), Eli Wald (University of Denver Sturm College of Law), Jolene Yee (E. and J. Gallo Winery), Joseph Yockey (University of Iowa College of Law), and others to be named. David S. Ruder (Northwestern University Law School) will participate as a Distinguished Symposium Fellow. This event has multiple cosponsors–please see the symposium website for registration & program information.

Wisconsin CLE Credit Approved: 12 Credits (including 5 EPR) – Illinois MCLE approval pending. Certificates will be provided for attorneys seeking CLE approval elsewhere.

Register online by 11/1/11:

Conferences, Corporate Governance, Corporate Law, Life in Madison | Bookmark

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