November 17, 2011
Chandler Forum: Wrapping up
Posted by Usha Rodrigues

Thanks so much to all for a thought-provoking celebration of Chancellor Chandler's contribution to the Chancery Court.  Matt Bodie's second post said, quite elegantly, much of what I wanted to say in this wrap-up post.

More than any one opinion, what stands out for me about the Chancery Court in general, and Bill Chandler's tenure in particular, is its engagement with and receptivity to academic perspectives.  Delaware is a small state, and the Court is a small court--my students are perennially surprised to learn that there are but 4 vice-chancellors and 1 chancellor.  Its small size, I think, is one of its main strengths: from the outside, at least, there's a sense that it's a tight-knit, almost monastic group of individuals who care passionately about corporate law.  Newcomers, probably already predisposed to a like mindset, are seamlessly assimilated into the culture of the Court. 

The Chancery Court's tradition of engagement with scholars and with practitioners flourished under Chancellor Chandler, and I have no doubt it will continue under Chancellor Strine.  But I'll close with the observation one of the Georgia Law students in Bill's Advanced Corporations course made to me.  Amazed at Bill's command over corporate law, he exclaimed: "He's the man!" 

Yes, he is.  Thanks, Bill!

Update: All forum posts are available here.

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