November 14, 2011
Masters Forum: William B. Chandler III and the Chancery Court
Posted by Usha Rodrigues

Welcome to our Masters Forum on William B. Chandler III's contributions to the Delaware Chancery Court.  Bill Chandler was Chancellor of the Court for 14 years, after serving as Vice-Chancellor for 8 years.  I quote from his bio:

Widely regarded as one of the country's most influential judges on issues of corporate law and governance, he issued more than a thousand opinions and presided over some of the most contentious and high-profile corporate law disputes in the country, including those involving The Walt Disney Company, Yahoo, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, eBay, Citigroup, Dow Chemical, and, most recently, the Air Products/Airgas dispute. Many of his rulings have become required reading for M&A and business law practitioners, and he has written and lectured widely on numerous critical corporate law issues.

We expect the Masters to weigh in on some of Bill's opinions, the role of the Chancery Court over the last 22 years, and perhaps what awaits corporate law under its new Chancellor, Leo E. Strine, Jr.  

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