May 01, 2012
"Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation"
Posted by David Zaring

That is the title of the new Executive Order issued by the president; Cass Sunstein says it has "a simple goal: to promote exports, growth, and job creation by eliminating unnecessary regulatory differences across nations."  The EO would direct agencies to see if they can lessen regulatory burdens by doing things the same way their foreign counterparts do - so if the EU thinks it's organic, it can be labelled as such in the US.  It all sounds less like world government and more like a slighter effort to use coordination to outsource some government functions, like coming up with standard hazardous chemical labels.  But if you ask me, the promise of things like this is rooted in the success of international financial harmonization, and in a commitment, which I don't think is legally necessary, to view our international trade obligations as encouraging a search for this sort of harmonization.

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