December 18, 2012
AALS Section Meetings: Transactional Law and Skills
Posted by Gordon Smith

The Section on Transactional Law and Skills is still emerging, but we have another great program this year ...

Researching and Teaching Transactional Law and Skills in an Increasingly Global World

    Moderator: Brian JM Quinn, Boston College Law School


    Deborah Burand, The University of Michigan Law School

    John C. Coates, IV, Harvard Law School

    Claire M. Dickerson, Tulane University School of Law

    Juliet M. Moringiello, Widener University School of Law

    Marco Ventoruzzo, Pennsylvania State University, The Dickinson School of Law

    Stephen Zamora, University of Houston Law Center

    The business world is facing continuing challenges related to globalism and cross-border open electronic access through the Internet. Many transactions cross national borders and almost all – including traditional goods and services purchase orders and real property transactions – have international significance. Some legal structures have begun to encompass international business supervision and enforcement efforts, while others remain grounded in traditional nation-state-based regulatory systems. As a result of these changes in the market for business transactions, international and comparative law scholarship has broadened to include a robust and growing business transactional element. All of these changes have increased our challenge as legal scholars and instructors in educating our students in the theory, policy, doctrine, and skills that they will need as participants in the transactional business law setting.

    This two-part panel features (1) two academic paper presentations on international, comparative, or cross-border transactional law topics culled from a Call for Papers, and (2) an expert panel of law teachers commenting on the program theme, implemented in a roundtable discussion format with a moderator, focusing on transactional law scholarship and teaching in this current, dynamic business transactional environment.

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