May 16, 2014
Teaching international business transactions: what to include?
Posted by Kish Vinayagamoorthy

I had a great time teaching international business transactions (IBT) this past year.  As I think about how I would do it next term, I once again confront the same problem I encountered a year ago: what to include?

I realize that all law professors struggle with the same problem of coverage but it seems that IBT courses can differ substantially in the topics and skills covered. From conversations with fellow IBT professors, it seems that we adopt several different approaches even if we tend to use the same main texts.  So, I thought that I would open up conversation on some of following issues for teaching IBT:

  • What skills should we prioritize and what are the best ways to teach those skills?
  • How do we include good case studies? Should we organize our case studies by transaction, regional focus, or some other topic?
  • Should we borrow pedagogical strategies from our colleagues at the business schools?
  • What are the best ways to integrate regional context into the course?  What regions should we cover?
  • How can we use the course to improve the “business competence” of our students?
  • What opportunities can we provide our students for applying their knowledge and skills to “real world examples” in international business?

Anyway, I'd love to hear views from other IBT teachers in the blogosphere!


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