February 12, 2015
Financial Regulation: Reflections and Projections
Posted by Usha Rodrigues

I very pleased to announce an upcoming Georgia Law Review symposium on post-crisis financial regulation.

Financial Regulation: Reflections and Projections 

March 20, 2015

Financial regulation is in a state of flux and the relationship between regulators and firms is constantly evolving. This conference will seek to illuminate where we have been and where we are going.  The recent financial crisis provided the initial impetus for reform, but post-crisis regulation has developed in unanticipated ways.

Dennis Lockhart, the President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta, will be our opening speaker.  Our keynote speaker will be SEC Commissioner Luis Aguilar, who is a Georgia Law alum!

Here's the website, with more information.  Participants include my fellow Glommer Erik Gerding and many Friends-of-Glom.  I hope to see some Glom readers, as well. Athens is lovely in late March...

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