March 23, 2015
Post-Conference Thoughts
Posted by Usha Rodrigues

Whew!  Readers of the Glom know that Georgia Law hosted back-to-back conferences at the end of last week: 1) a symposium on Financial Regulation: Reflections and Projections, and 2) the Law & Entrepreneurship annual retreat.  Some thoughts:

Symposium: My friend and colleague Mehrsa Baradaran reminded me that when we pitched this idea to our dean our goals was not to mention a single Supreme Court case.   We wanted to talk about financial regulation.  Our goal was to group top-notch scholars interested in the mechanics of implementing regulation with the regulators themselves. I think we succeeded. A nice offshoot of combining banking and securities types was that we were able to get different circles of scholars to intersect, which led to some cross-cutting conversations.  And hearing from the regulators was nice:  here's Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart's speech and here's SEC Commissioner Luis Aguilar's speech.

Retreat: I've blogged about the rhythm of the semester before, and conferences have their own rhythm: through dinner, panels, lunches, breaktime talk, you get to know the fellow participants.  If everyone is good and everyone is listening, later panelists reference earlier ones and a real conversation occurs.  But it's ephemeral.  Everyone gets in their car and on their plane and those people will never be together again.

The LEA Retreat is a little different.  A core of us have been coming together for years.  While it's never quite the same group of people, there's conscious continuity.  I think that's what makes for its special chemistry.  It's an engaged and supportive group interested in talking about entrepreneurship. It's always fun.

That said, organizing a conference means that you've always got one eye and one ear on logistics.  And that can take a lot out of you.  The payoff of having conferences back to back was huge--but I'm happy to be back to the usual routine of blogging/teaching/research/deaning!




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