October 05, 2015
Chancery Court Likely to Add a Woman
Posted by Usha Rodrigues

The news from Delaware is that, for the first time ever the Judicial Nominating Commission recommended to Governor Jack Martell an all-female short list.  Unless the governor takes the big step of rejecting all three of the candidates put forward as qualified, the Chancery Court will add a woman to the bench.According to Delaware Online, the candidates are Abigail M. LeGrow, Elena C. Norman, and Tamika Montgomery-Reeves

I wish all the candidates well, but I'm pulling for Tamika.  She's smart, funny, and she's a Georgia Law alum. Tamika is coming to Athens to teach a short course in Advanced Corporations next week, along with her colleague and distinguished former Chancellor Bill Chandler.  But even though I do have a Dawg in this fight, more generally I'm pleased that we'll likely see a woman on the Chancery Court again. 21 years is a long time.

Hat tip: Jerrod Lukacs

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