October 08, 2015
Position Announcement: Boise State
Posted by David Zaring

The call is after the jump.


The Department of Management in the College of Business and Economics, Boise State University,  invites applications for a tenure track faculty position in the area of Legal Studies in Business.


Management hosts the most majors in the College of Business and Economics, with over 1000 students currently majoring in General Business, Entrepreneurship Management, Human Resource Management, or International Business, and provides courses in four MBA programs. We are housed in the impressive Micron Business and Economics Building, which opened in the summer of 2012. The College of Business and Economics is AACSB-accredited.


Recognized as a university on the move, Boise State University is the largest university in Idaho, with enrollment of more than 22,000 students. The University is located in the heart of Idaho’s capital city, a growing metropolitan area that serves as the government, business, high-tech, economic, and cultural center of the state. Time Magazine ranked Boise #1 in 2014 for ‘getting it right’ with a thriving economy, a booming cultural scene, quality health care, and a growing university. Livability.com also ranked Boise first among the top 10 cities to raise a family in 2014 thanks to an abundant quality of life, a family-friendly culture, a vibrant downtown, and great outdoor recreation. To further enhance the superb quality of life Boise offers, the University has committed to sustaining the conditions necessary for faculty to enter and thrive in their academic careers, while meeting personal and family responsibilities.


Boise State University embraces and welcomes diversity in its faculty, student body, and staff. Accordingly, candidates who would add to the diversity and excellence of our academic community are encouraged to apply and to include in their cover letter information about how they can help us further these goals.


Minimum Qualifications:

  • J.D. degree with an excellent academic record from an ABA accredited law school.
  • Potential for outstanding teaching and research.
  • Willingness to be active in professional, university, and community service activities.


Preferred Qualifications: 

  • MBA or other advanced business related degree.
  • Demonstrated ability to engage in high quality teaching, including online teaching experience.
  • Journal publications in refereed, peer-reviewed business journals, legal journals, or law reviews.
  • Significant professional experience as a lawyer.
  • Ability and experience teaching and doing research across disciplines (e.g. accounting, health care law, economics) is a plus.



Susan Park, J.D.

Chair, Department of Management
Associate Professor, Legal Studies in Business

College of Business & Economics
Boise State University
Boise, ID 83725
(208) 426-3070

[email protected]

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