February 03, 2016
Could A Plaintiffs' Lawyer Join The Chancery Court?
Posted by David Zaring

If the governor flips a coin, there's a 50% chance that a plaintiffs' lawyer will be the next Chancery Court appointee.  And not just any plaitniffs' lawyer, but one leading the charge against investment banking conflicts of interest in Delaware.

Mr. Friedlander, a litigator, is best-known for representing shareholders in big class actions. In 2014, he won more than $75 million in a buzzed-about case against RBC Capital Markets LLC over the bank’s M&A advice.Mr. Friedlander, a litigator, is best-known for representing shareholders in big class actions. In 2014, he won more than $75 million in a buzzed-about case against RBC Capital Markets LLC over the bank’s M&A advice.

I don't follow the state, but I don't think this sort of thing is very common.  You could certainly see the Royal Bank of Canada getting upset about it.


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