July 05, 2016
Call for Papers: Ethics in Business Transactions
Posted by Gordon Smith

The AALS Section on Transactional Law and Skills is seeking paper proposals for its program on "Ethics in Business Transactions" at the 2017 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California. This program will feature a panel discussion to be followed by scholarly presentations selected from the Call for Papers, which is reproduced below.

The program on Ethics in Business Transactions is co-sponsored by the Section on Professional Responsibility and is scheduled to take place on Friday, January 6, 2017 from 1:30-3:15 pm.

The Section on Transactional Law and Skills is also hosting a second program entitled "Transactional Law and Entrepreneurship," which is scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 7, 2017 from 8:30-10:15 pm.

Here is the call for papers:

Ethics in Business Transactions

Business transactions are governed by legal rules designed to encourage ethical behavior. The regulation of corruption, fraud, and conflicts of interest are obvious examples, but myriad other laws aim to ensure honesty and integrity among transacting parties. Lawyers play an important role in guiding the ethical behavior of their clients by clarifying the boundaries of legal behavior or by assisting clients in navigating ethical dilemmas. Lawyers also sometimes act as “gatekeepers” who reassure the public or third parties that a client is complying with its legal and ethical obligations and sometimes as “monitors” who enter the scene after a compliance failure is manifest. In all of these roles, lawyers are governed by their own ethical obligations embodied in codes of professional responsibility. This session will examine ethics in business transactions from various perspectives with the goal of inspiring more deliberate consideration of business ethics in law school teaching and legal scholarship.

The first part of our program will involve a panel of speakers who will focus their comments on the questions posed above. Panel participants include Christopher D. Dillon, a partner in Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP’s Palo Alto office; Mina Kim, General Counsel of Sunrun Inc.; Eric W. Orts, the Guardsmark Professor and Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics and Management at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; Veronica Root, an Associate Professor of Law at Notre Dame Law School; and Joseph Yockey, a Professor and Michael and Brenda Sandler Faculty Fellow in Corporate Law at the University of Iowa College of Law.

The Section on Transactional Law and Skills invites submissions from any full-time faculty member of an AALS member school who has written an unpublished paper, is working on a paper, or who is interested in writing a paper on this topic to submit a 1 or 2-page proposal to the Chair of the Section by August 31, 2016. The Executive Committee will review all submissions and select proposals for presentation as part of our AALS 2017 Section Meeting. Please direct all submissions and questions to the Chair of the Section, D. Gordon Smith, Dean and Glen L. Farr Professor of Law, BYU Law School, 348 JRCB, Provo, Utah 84602 Email: [email protected] Tel: +1 801 422 6383.

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