November 09, 2016
A Bit of Election Night Levity: My Photo Lost in the Illinois 101st Congressional District
Posted by Christine Hurt

I was avoiding Facebook last night during the waning hours of election coverage, but a friends' text sent me there to see the strangest thing.  A friend in Champaign, IL had taken a picture of his TV screen as my photo appeared beside the name Christine Law, who lost her bid to represent the 101st Congressional District in the Illinois statehouse.  Here is the photo:


From a Google search, I can find hardly anything, text or photo, informative about Christine Law. My guess is that some TV news employee was told to find a picture, googled "christine law illinois," and found my photo from the University of Illinois School of Law files. Anyway, it gave at least my FB friends something to chat about other than the state of the election!

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