January 09, 2019
Lynn Stout Memorial Conference - Feb. 1-2
Posted by Erik Gerding

Cornell Law School is hosting a memorial conference for Lynn Stout on February 1st and 2nd.  The announcement is below.  Lynn was not only one of the titans of corporate law, she was, more importantly, an incredibly generous soul.  When I was struggling to write my first law review article while practicing at a law firm, I desperately sought any advice I could get from academics.  I sent a draft to scholars whose work I admired and cited.  Shockingly, Lynn responded.  She not only gave me written comments, but spent an hour on the phone with me talking through the draft.  There was little for her to gain in talking to a random associate at a big law firm.  Her advice improved the paper immensely.  It also modeled for me how a creative scholar thinks and how a generous scholar should act.  Perhaps the most fitting way to honor Lynn is to mentor a scholar or anyone without any thought of recompense.

Here is the announcement from Cornell:

Please join us on February 1-2, 2019, in New York City, for a special two-part event celebrating the life and work of our colleague and friend, Professor Lynn Stout.

On February 1, 2019, Cornell University Law School will hold the Lynn Stout Memorial Conference, honoring Professor Stout’s scholarly work and significant impact in corporate governance. The conference will feature a series of cutting-edge paper presentations and discussion panels; the conference celebrates Professor Stout’s scholarship and highlights the lasting impact of her ideas and writings on the present and future trajectory of legal research in corporate law, securities and derivatives regulation, law and economics, and law and ethics. 

The conference will take place at the Cornell Club in New York City (6 East 44th Street, New York, NY 10017).

On February 2, 2019, at 10 a.m., an informal memorial service will be held at St. Paul’s Chapel of Trinity Church Wall Street (209 Broadway, New York, NY 10007).

The agenda and RSVP information can be found at:


Please note that capacity is limited for this event, so please RSVP before January 25.


Conferences, Corporate Law, Finance | Bookmark

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