Afra Afsharipour's Posts

Chancellor Chandler and the M&A Course (November 15, 2011)

Like many other corporate law academics and lawyers, I have long admired Chancellor Chandler’s work. His contributions to the development... (Category: Delaware, Masters: Chandler)

Corporations/B.A. Roundtable: The Use of Stories in the Business Associations Course (July 19, 2011)

I really appreciate the robust discussion on ways to teach corporate social responsibility, especially as this is something that I... (Category: Roundtable: Corps/B.A.)

Corporations/B.A. Roundtable: Coverage (July 18, 2011)

Thank you to Erik and the team at the Conglomerate for organizing this roundtable and the prior roundtables. As the... (Category: Roundtable: Corps/B.A.)

Until We Meet Again (September 27, 2009)

Before signing off, I want to thank The Conglomerate for allowing me to use this forum to share some of... (Category: Administrative, M&A)

Internationalizing the Antitrust course (September 24, 2009)

This semester I am teaching Antitrust law to a group of eager students who are willing to take the class... (Category: Antitrust, Comparative Law, Teaching)

The law & practice of cross-border M&A (September 22, 2009)

Other than spending time studying reverse termination fees, I’ve been spending the past year thinking about and researching the role... (Category: Comparative Law, M&A, Transactional Law)

To blog or not to blog... (September 18, 2009)

As a first time blogger I realize that I am entering this debate quite late (see for example here, here... (Category: Blogs and Blawgs, Junior Scholars)

Confessions of a Deal Junkie (September 17, 2009)

I admit it . . . I was a deal junkie. When I was in practice, I loved doing deals,... (Category: Transactional Law)

Contractual Complexity & Legal Scholarship (September 15, 2009)

As any M&A practitioner will tell you, acquisition agreements can be a challenge to read and even more challenging to... (Category: Contracts, Legal Scholarship, Transactional Law)

Strategic Deals and Reverse Termination Fees (September 14, 2009)

I first want to thank Gordon Smith and company for the invitation to guest blog on The Conglomerate. I have... (Category: Contracts, M&A, Transactional Law)

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